Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) …
Each week, we share links to a few interesting or inspiring articles we’ve come across during the previous week. They’re meant to stir your thinking about marketing, communication and graphic design for positive change as well as conscious capitalism and the socially conscious movement.
There is lots of information about how and why to apply big data analysis to marketing planning. Here’s an interesting article on the virtues of small data, giving us a different perspective that says big data provides a “valuable, but incomplete perspective.”
THE tiny clues that uncover huge trends via linkedin.com
Employee engagement in the U.S. is on the rise, but still incredibly low (IMO), so says Gallup. We know those at the top of an organization make a significant contribution to affecting employee engagement. This article explains the characteristics leadership should demonstrate. The article also suggests designing a Leadership Code of Conduct.
the one mistake leaders make that kills employee engagement via forbes.com
We’re social creatures, and apparently we love social media! Here’s an interesting article on how and why organizations should be increasing the 1:1 conversations they have on social media to contribute positively to their brand voice.
let’s rethink our social media priorities via iabc.com
We liked this image from istockphoto.com which illustrates the complexity that goes into strategic business planning.