Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) …
Each week, we share links to a few interesting or inspiring articles we’ve come across during the previous week. They’re meant to stir your thinking about marketing, communication and graphic design for positive change as well as conscious capitalism and the socially conscious movement.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
SEO can be confusing and often hard to keep track of because the rules for search are always changing. This article does a good job of describing some of the mystery surrounding SEO in layman’s terms. It also covers one principle we strongly believe in… don’t get hung up on the numbers.
5 SEO metrics that are deceiving you via forbes.com
Social media
Did you think Twitter was a way to broadcast your messages to the masses? Think again. There’s a lot of one-on-one conversations happening on the platform as well. Has your organization done a good job of incorporating Twitter into your overall strategic communication program? This article presents an interesting perspective on why Twitter’s still an important consideration.
let’s rethink our social media priorities via iabc.com
Conscious capitalism
“There is widespread consensus in the global sustainable brands community that purpose is trending in the business world…” This is a direct quote from this article, which covers seven trends that we’re seeing in the business community related to social responsibility and sustainability. It’s an inspiring read.
7 trends at the intersection of sustainability and purpose to watch this year via sustainablebrands.com
Social media / Graphic design
Here’s an infographic we bet you’ll refer to over and over again. It’s a cheat sheet that explains how to optimize your visual and graphic assets for the most popular social media platforms. We think you’ll find it useful; we did!
all-in-one cheat sheet of photo and image sizes for major social networks via socialmediaweek.org
We liked this image of an ancient way to broadcast a message by placing a note in a bottle. The photo is from Pixabay.com.