Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) …
Each week, we share links to a few interesting or inspiring articles we’ve come across during the previous week. They’re meant to stir your thinking about marketing, communication and graphic design for positive change as well as conscious capitalism and the socially conscious movement.
From the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) is a synopsis of a presentation which was made at this year’s international conference. It’s about the digital transformation taking place in our organization’s. While some information is not new, there’s a great list of “14 questions for the new digital workplace” which cover both internal and external communications.
the tsunami of disruption that’s headed your way via iabc.com
Social enterprise
One of the challenges it seems with social enterprise business models is scaling up for maximum impact. Here’s a great article that features a number of inspiring examples of sustainable business initiatives that are proving that business can profit from socially conscious projects.
when can sustainability drive business growth? via nature.org
We liked the words of wisdom from some of the most famous marketers of all time covered in this article. Some famous names are on the list, like Marshall McLuhan, John Deere and Walt Disney. The Kardashians. Really…?
40 core philosophies from famous marketers in history via entrepreneur.com
Social media
If your social media strategy is not meeting expectations, here’s a great article that covers some of the basic factors any social media strategy should address. The bottom line: Follow a process that leads to individual solutions.
fix your social media strategy by taking it back to basics via harvard business review.org
Ford’s Model T was indeed very basic and forever changed our modern world. Perhaps an effective social media strategy should also be basic? Food for thought. The image is from Pixabay.com