Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … We hope they stir your thinking about marketing, communication and graphic design for positive change as well as conscious capitalism and the socially conscious movement.
Content Marketing
The “use of visual content is on the rise as our attention spans shrink.” Here’s a great resource – with data, trends and statistics – on the benefits of using visuals in your marketing and communication programs. The information is gathered in a number of infographics, but the resources are well labelled for easy navigation.
10 infographics to guide your content marketing strategy via toprankblog.com
Want to be a better writer? Why not bookmark some of the websites in this list? It’s a wealth of resources – and covers the straightforward educational websites (like thesaurus.com) to the wacky, but very creative (ever heard of The Oatmeal?).
25 inspirational resources for copywriters via unbounce.com
Conscious Capitalism
Following the publishing of The Guardian’s article on Whole Foods, we’ve come across this post which covers that original article and more on the conscious capitalism movement. What do you think of this perspective?
whole foods’ “Slump” is not a failure of conscious capitalism via newco.co
We liked this image of someone typing on a vintage typewriter. It nicely complements the link to the writer’s resources. The image is from one of our favourite stock photo sites: RawPixel.com. Good luck!