Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both)… We hope these posts stir your thinking about marketing, communication and graphic design; for organizational communication focused on purpose; as well as conscious capitalism and the conscious marketing movement.
Content Marketing
Wondering what format is best for communicating with your audience? The answer lies in how our brains process information. Here’s a great infographic explaining the science. Apparently graphic content creates a “memorable” impression (we say: good to know).
How our brains respond to different content formats via contently.com
Writing well is an art and as much as 40% of the time spent creating a piece of content should be spent on editing. Here’s some great advice on how to clean up your writing for clear and focused communication.
11 tips to clean up your dirty, wordy writing via grammarly.com
Social Media
If you’re working with social media in any significant or strategic way, you’ll know that the analytics can mean a significant investment of time. Here’s a great article that offers some tips for social media data analysis.
social media analytics tips: 7 ways to get the most out of your data via bufferapp.com
Employee Engagement
Do you know the communication preferences of your different employee groups? Do you use a combination of tactics to reach all your employee groups, or just the tactics that are easily available to you? There are great tips in this article on how to analyze your communication goals, audiences and messaging before preparing your first draft of that employee communication piece.
insight-driven communication is how you can better engage your employees via forbes.com
We liked this image of someone deep in thought. It nicely complements the link on the science of the brain. The image is from one of our favourite stock photo sites: Pixabay.com. Good luck!