Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both)…We hope these posts stir your thinking about marketing, communication and graphic design; for organizational communication focused on purpose, as well as conscious capitalism and the conscious marketing movement.
If you’re a numbers person and are wondering if there’s a positive bottom-line value in putting purpose ahead of profit in business, here’s an article that covers that exact subject. It illustrates several case studies and in the end concludes: “… investors have faith that doing the right thing won’t set the company back.” An interesting read…
Why “Good Guy” Stocks Can Help You Beat the Market via Fortune.com
Company Culture
As the job market becomes more competitive, content marketing should be viewed through the lens of recruitment as well as sales and brand promotion. Here’s an article featuring a few companies that are doing that HR function well.
5 Companies Creating Purposeful and Engaging HR Content via Contently.com
Productivity reports, tracking time in 15-minute increments, and when we arrive home at the end of the day, we’re faced with the never-ending “to-do” list. Here’s a refreshing take on taking a break from all that – if that’s what you face everyday. The article presents the idea of why mind-wandering can be good for creativity and problem-solving: “Researchers have also found a relationship between creative thinking and mind wandering. In many situations, minds that wander more are better at creative thought.”
It’s OK to Let Your Mind Wander – It’s Where It Goes That Makes the Difference, Science Says via CBC.ca
Thank you to our fellow communication professionals for sharing some of these articles. The image shows the perfect spot for mind-wandering, we think, and is from our personal photo archive. It is of the Fig Tree tented camp in the Masai Mara, Kenya and was taken in 2012.