Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both)… We hope this post stirs your thinking about corporate communication, employee engagement and leadership focused on purpose and values.
If the haphazard writing styles we’re seeing all over social media are making you crazy, you’re not alone. Here’s a fun article on the use and more recent misuse of the ellipsis. It includes trivia to quiz your friends, like: What film from 1977 was set in a galaxy far, far away…?
Ellipses in Quartz Daily Obsession via QZ.com
Socially Conscious
Here’s a tall order that might get you thinking about the long-term viability of capitalism. While we don’t agree with all aspects of the expert’s arguments, we were interested in the parts about democratic workplaces which provide employees with an incentive to work, that may be an alternative to capitalism as we know it, and provide solutions for climate change. A tall order indeed!
How Rethinking Capitalism May Save the Planet via CBC podcasts
Here’s some good advice: Treat your employees more like customers and you’ll have a great recipe for improving employee engagement. There are five things to consider in this article as well as advice on what to do about each. It’s a quick and interesting read.
More Than Ever, Here’s Why Internal Communication Needs to Focus on Employees via Linkedin.com
You’ve probably realized how important leadership is to effective organizations and engaged workforces. And, you’ve likely read a lot about qualities leaders must have to bring their organizations. Here comes new advice that leaders must be aware of: their self, others, and their surroundings. It’s the small nuances that may be hiding the biggest opportunity (or problem).
The Hidden Attribute of Business Leadership and How to Improve it Right Now via Forbes.com
Thank you to our fellow communication professionals for sharing some of these articles. We liked this image with the saying “Passion led us here” – it’s simple, brief and well-written, unlike a lot of the content we see on social media these days. Credit to photographer Ian Schneider on Unsplash.