Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both)… We hope this post stirs your thinking about corporate communication, employee engagement and leadership focused on purpose and values.
We love books, so this article from IABC.com fit the bill for sharing with our readers. There’s a broad range of topics to add to your reading list. Something for everyone, we think.
8 Communication Books for Your Book Club in 2021 via IABC.com
Being a good leader is easier when you know how to do it right. This article covers some of the key points, like “remaining open and honest” and leading by example with a positive attitude. It’s a quick read.
4 Ways to Strengthen Your Level of Influence in the Workplace via Medium.com
Employee Communication
We love the suggestions and tips in this article about general, internal corporate announcements. There are great ideas on how to do a complete “re-think” about why you’re distributing communication in the first place. See tip #11: Breaking the box.
11 Ways to Refresh Organizational Announcements via davisandco.com
The pandemic has taught us many lessons. The lesson that simple language can ensure our messages are heard, understood and acted on keeps resonating. If plain language writing is a topic that interests you, see the resources at the Plain Language Association International.
Plain Language Association International
Thank you to our fellow communication professionals for sharing some of these articles. While we’ve been absent from regularly posting to our site, we’re still very much on top of what is happening with employee and corporate communication. Besides our regular project work, COVID has increased our workload, but we are hoping to now get back to some sort of normal routine. The image, from our personal archive, made us think of “getting back on track”. It was taken in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with the famous Petronas Towers in the distance. Be well… Stay safe.