Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both)… We hope this gets you thinking about corporate communication, employee engagement and leadership focused on purpose and values.
While many of us are still in the middle of the pandemic crisis, we think you’ll appreciate this article that talks about employee engagement during an emergency (in this case, a snow storm in Texas). A lot of the advice in this article resonated for us.
Lessons for Effective Employee Communications and Engagement During a Crisis via IABC.com
Here’s a few ideas on how to have your sales pitch or presentation get your audience’s attention. We especially like the idea to focus in on “one key objective.” High-level communication may not be the best option for audience engagement.
High-level Information Doesn’t Persuade. That’s Why You Should Do This Instead via Inc.com
The book GOVERNMENT DIGITAL: THE QUEST TO REGAIN PUBLIC TRUST by Alex Benay is essential reading if you work for, or provide support to, a public service organization. Covering topics as wide-ranging as 5G networks, customer service and public policy, it’s a very interesting read.
Government Digital: The Quest to Regain Public Trust by Alex Benay via Amazon.ca
Social media
Looking for a roadmap for managing a successful social media framework? Then we suggest you take a look at this advice, that covers everything from strategy to governance. The advice would be of particular interest to public service or quasi-government organizations.
A Social Media Success Framework for Municipalities via AdvantisComm.com
Thank you to our fellow communication professionals for sharing some of these articles. This picture, from our personal archive, is of a display at the Royal Selangor Museum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It reminds us that despite the fact that many of us are still in the middle of the pandemic crisis, we can still find beauty all around us. Be well… Stay safe.