Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both)… We hope this post stirs your thinking about corporate communication, employee engagement and leadership focused on purpose and values.
Journaling can increase creativity and help you organize your thoughts. That makes it a great tool for leaders as explained in this article. We especially like the idea that putting random thoughts on paper (or in your digital device) can “… access those innovative ideas lurking below the surface.”
This is How Journaling Can Make You a More Effective Leader via FastCompany.com
Finding and getting into the proper mindset for productive, sometimes creative, work can be challenging, but here are five tips on how to – as the author puts it – “get crazy productive”. I think we’ve all experienced these feelings at one time or another, and especially in the past 14 months of the pandemic. However, these tips are useful for any time.
How to Experience Flow and Get Crazy Productive via Linkedin.com
Employee Engagement
We’ve had lots of experience with remote work (even before the pandemic), so when we saw this article, it piqued our interest. The author covers the obvious pros and cons of working remotely and how that affects the business and teams. How we bridge the gap to handle the cons of remote work will be key for the future workplace.
The Pros and Cons of Working Remotely via Fortune.com
We’re all doing a lot of meetings and presentations online now. It’s such a different format from face-to-face communication that it warrants some thinking about how to make those interactions effective. Here’s a great article that sums up a few of the best practices. We especially like the idea of “… limiting yourself to a tight 30 minutes.”
5 Logistical Tips That’ll Help You Pull Off a Great Webinar via Contently.com
Thank you to our fellow communication professionals for sharing some of these articles. The picture of the notebook is from our personal archive. Maybe this notebook is the perfect inspiration to take some good advice and start the practice of journaling. Be well… Stay safe.