Posted October 3, 2017 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both)… | We stumbled upon this article recently about the positive impact photography and illustration can have on your content marketing strategy. Some very good tips indeed!
Posted April 16, 2017 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | A status update and review of Simon Sinek’s book: Start With Why… Love this passage from the book: “What if the next time someone asks, ‘Who’s your competition?’ we replied, ‘No idea.'” Words to live by.
Posted March 15, 2017 by K. Barker
The fields of marketing and corporate communication have been transformed forever. Tried-and-true strategies don’t work so well anymore. And while technology has influenced this transformation, it’s not the only controlling factor. Changes in consumer attitudes and behaviours have also influenced how we get our organization’s voice to be heard. And there’s more … There’s another up-and-coming… Read more
Posted December 12, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | If you don’t follow Glenn Leibowitz or listen to his podcast, you should. He blogs and broadcasts about writing and communications. Here’s another great article from Glenn on how to improve your writing. The article has some great tips and advice. It’s also a quick read.
Posted December 2, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | From the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) is a synopsis of a presentation which was made at this year’s international conference. It’s about the digital transformation taking place in our organization’s. While some information is not new, there’s a great list of “14 questions for the new digital workplace” addressing internal and external communications.
Posted October 30, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | It’s probable that we’ve all read enough articles on how to manage social media programs, but we’ve not come across this type of advice all in one spot before. This article covers the what-if scenarios of social media marketing. There’s some good advice here on what to do in different situations.
Posted June 22, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | At one time, it was difficult to target why some content went viral while other content did not. Recent research shows that viral content is popular because of the emotions it evokes. And, as this article talks about: “… it is not a matter of luck, as was previously thought, but rather is a matter of creating a powerful emotional experience.”
Posted May 14, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | Are you working hard to build your corporate brand, but feel that it’s not quite there? Here’s an interesting perspective on taking your organization’s brand to the next level. We love the succinct nature of this message: “Get real, get intentional and get clear.”
Posted April 18, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | There is lots of news about big data lately. Here’s an interesting article on the virtues of small data, giving us a new perspective that says big data provides a “valuable, but incomplete perspective.”
Posted April 9, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | We’ve said for a while now that no amount of marketing will sell or make popular a bad product. This article reinforces that point and also talks about how conscious capitalism has proven to be a viable business model; the idea that conscious capitalism is, or should be, considered a form or charity simply shouldn’t exist.