Posted April 4, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | From my communication friend, Judy Gombita, an article about the evolving role of the Chief Communication Officer. I was drawn to the idea that the CCO’s role is to “help build engaged enterprises worthy of the trust of their stakeholders, and develop corporate character based around a clear sense of values.” The article has a number of interesting points and suggests that “talking less and acting more” is probably a good place to start.
Posted March 25, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | Traditional business models have basic beliefs for attracting and retaining employees. In this TED Talk, Dan Pink explains how science has proven that traditional incentive programs may not be the best solution in many cases. We particularly enjoyed the conclusion of this talk where Dan speaks about the future of work with a focus on employee autonomy, mastery and purpose.
Posted March 12, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | Here’s a great article from IABC on the power in storytelling. It reiterates the ideas we covered in our latest blog post: Why Do We Love Stories So Much?. It also suggests how business should unleash the power of stories which are found in the organization’s heritage. A must read!
Posted February 29, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | Trust and cooperation… Simon Sinek describes both in his TED Talk about positive work environments. Using analogies based on comparisons with the military, his story is a moving one that will resonate with business people and leaders. We recommend you watch it.
Posted February 15, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | Here’s an inspiring story from Disney about creativity, the power of storytelling and how to promote an idea. Keep in mind that analogies can be a powerful force to use when you find yourself presenting an idea to a group who may not be focused on the same factors you are.
Posted February 9, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | You’ve probably read that some of the most profitable businesses are those NOT focused on profit. There’s a good explanation on why that is in this article from the Financial Times. Equally important to purpose for an organization’s success, as Simon Caulkin explains, is “methods and measures.”
Posted January 26, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | Have you read about the new generation titled as “Founders”? The generation encompasses anyone born after 2000 and has been described as being practical, ambitious, socially conscious and responsive to cause-related messages.” Here’s an article on how to tailor marketing and PR messages to reach this age group.
Posted January 10, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | “An ever-increasing competitive landscape and a pace of change which seems to be relentless… this is the new reality facing organizations of all stripes. Those trying to solve these business problems are proposing a transformation in thinking which must start at the top of the organization with the leadership team.
Posted January 5, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | “Humanizing leadership,” “promoting transparency” and “cultivating dialogue” are three great reasons for having a content marketing strategy that communicates directly with employees. This article does a great job of describing these benefits in the simplest of terms.
Posted January 5, 2016 by K. Barker
Interesting or inspiring articles (perhaps a bit of both) … | The conscious capitalism movement requires a shift in the way businesses operate and how leaders of those businesses act. Here’s a great article outlining 10 skills successful leaders of the future must have.